by Nicole Costa
You may have stolen
The heart of Te Fiti
You restored my heart
Gave it back to me
Just when I think
That it’s over
You soften my heart
We start over
Every time
I thought about leaving
You blessed me
I kept on receiving
Taught me
Your bloody history
Polynesian mythology
Allowed me in
Your sacred space
To me you gave
The rest of place
Iao streams
My bathing pool
Refreshed my mana
With warriors souls
You taught me
Your tongue
You gave me
The apple of my eye
A son
To soften this kine
Pure aloha divine
You’ve humbled me
To serve again
Impelled by love
I’ll go again
A trusted source
My old time friend
Gave me
The gift of medicine
Lomi penetrates
Deep into my bones
Revealing the past
Mana is cleared
Wiping the slate
My story ends here
From out of the vast
Turtle spirit appears
Now I hear her
Calling me home
In spirit she whispers
You have never
Been alone
Return to the forest
Return to the sea
You are being called
Return now to me
My life has been
A life of constant change
But one thing always
Remains the same
The rending of my heart
When I hear the call
The echo of your voice
Unto my soul
If you spread your wings
You will not fall
Said the man
On Kapa’a shore
You have ties here
You’ll be back
Again for more
As I sit
On the same shore
I’m missing you
My magical friend
Beyond Hana
My hanai
All I’ve come to love
I leave behind
As I set sail
The Pono Kai
I answer your call
Enter the portal
In the nick of time
Alone in the flesh
The Ancestors
By my side
We are still here
So are you
You’ve survived
How many times
Will you survive
Before you value
This gift of life
A golden
Name tag reminder
In the wreckage
You found her
In the fires
That we faced
I watched you
Laid to waste
One day
You will return
To first nation
Trust me
Not by war
By peace
We cannot come
In anger or fear
We must come
From a place of love
Let go
Rise above
It’s time
To heal ourselves
The power
We have together
Is Lahaina strong
When we stand
In aloha
We can’t go wrong
I raise my voice
To speak for thee
Through song
My poetry
E kala mai
(I let go, I resolve)
Aloha kakou
(greetings between you and I)
Mahalo nui nui
(thank you very much)