$115 (75 minutes) In Person or Distant Healing
Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner can channel this universal life energy into the patient by means of touch, activating the natural healing processes of the patient’s body, and helping to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Reiki is not attached to a particular belief system or religious practice, nor is it a form of massage. Reiki is a non-invasive alternative treatment that helps to relieve pain, reduces stress, calm anxiety, depression, PTSD, and promotes relaxation.
I use an integrative approach that incorporates the use of Young Living essential oils, sacred incense and herbs, healing crystals and sound therapy into each session to cleanse the aura, unblock meridians, and align and balance the chakras. You may feel refreshed and invigorated after a session, or you may feel overly emotional, and experience periods of anger and sadness as blockages in your body are now being released. Stress, trauma, grief, and fear create these blockages.