The Power of Sisterhood
“The Power of Sisterhood”
by Nicole Costa
At 5am this morning I was sitting in my vehicle outside of the gym drinking a cup of coffee when suddenly all these cars pull up surrounding me and out of each car came a woman. Each woman met up at the same spot in the parking lot, seven of them total, in a group formation bringing a large speaker as they started dancing in the lot, each taking turns guiding the group in dance as the music played loud for about a half hour, unaware that I was even in my van watching, these woman danced and sang encouraging each other in their healing and fitness journeys.
I felt like Spirit was feeding my heart, as I had a week of processing heavy energies in my current financial situation and recent emotional pain brought on by men that “I have allowed” into my existence.
There is so much beauty and power in sisterhood, and at 42 years of age I can finally appreciate what it means to be a woman. To fully be in my power, and not in the ego of the masculine that I was brought up under. I was raised in a time, a culture, a religion, and in a family of men that did not value women. I was made to feel weak and have no purpose but to serve man, and to be seen and not heard. Women in my lineage did not read, educate themselves, drive vehicles, own their own businesses and they definitely did not speak up or against the men without consequences.
These patterns and paradigms I was taught shaped my self worth in a negative way, which had caused me to accept far less then I deserved because I didn’t respect or love myself for a long time.
In this lifetime I have been physically, emotionally, and spiritually abused, raped, molested, cheated on too many times to account for, talked down to, lost many financially secure jobs because of sexual harassment in the workplace, lost many homes and living situations trying to maintain integrity and make an honest living. We decide who we want to be in-spite of what has happened to us.
Watching these warrior woman early this morning was a reminder that we as women are beautiful, powerful, patient, forgiving, formidable, and we love to the point of our own demise at times. Others can destroy our material possessions, harm our physical bodies, say hurtful words, but no one has the power to steal our song unless we give it away.
We are now entering a time of the Divine Feminine and lots of women are now given a chance to be leaders and to have voices, so remember ladies as we move forward and ascend higher, we want to be the best versions of ourselves by not putting our men down when we are in our power because that’s what they’ve done to us, but by healing our men from the sicknesses that have caused them to harm us in the first place, by speaking up, not to shame, blame, or destroy, but to educate on these subjects so that we as the collective can heal together in harmony.
Lots of our men are sick because they were never allowed to feel or express their emotions. We as women go through our cycles that allow us to feel, process, and release our emotions, which actually is our power and not our weakness. When we step into our power it is our duty to uplift each other and stop competing and tearing each other down. We have so much power ladies to raise the vibration of this planet collectively by empowering ourselves, each other, and seeing the greater picture from a higher perspective so that we can heal ourselves and our masculines.
Understand that patterns repeat until someone steps up and says, “NO MORE!” Be the one to heal your lineage and stop the patterns of abuse that I personally believe are the root cause of many addictions.
We never know who is watching us and who we inspire just being ourselves in our day to day activities.
Thank you beautiful sisters for inspiring me to continue singing my song and to dance today! 🙏🏽
Your Sister,
My grandmothers have always been a strong presence in my life, both in flesh and now in spirit, but as I continue to grow and heal on my journey the stronger I feel their presence with me as we step into this new age. I recommend listening to this song which speaks deeply to my soul.
~Grandmother Song by Sheffy Oren Bach